National Smile Month

Oral Health Newsletter

Community Dental Services CIC is supporting the Oral Health Foundation between the 13th May - 13th ​June to raise awareness of important health issues by promoting the National Smile Month Campaign.

The campaign is an excellent opportunity to share key messages, go out and about in the community ​and to ramp up our social media presence.

Research shows that a quarter of UK adults do not like their smile while at some point, more ​than half have been made to feel anxious about how their smile looks. That’s why the theme ​for National Smile Month 2024 is Love Your Smile. By giving people support and advice ​about their oral health, more will be able to show off their smile with confidence.

Oral Health Foundation, 2024

Key messages for great oral health

  • Brush teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and one other time during the day, with a fluoride ​toothpaste. (1350-1500ppm)

  • Clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss.

  • Cut down how much and how often you have sugary foods and drinks.

  • Visit a dentist regularly.

Each week of National Smile Month we will be focusing on a different topic. These will be:

Caring For Your Smile

Food And Drink

Confidence And Mental Wellbeing

Disease And Conditions

Oral Health Products

Detailed Mouth

Caring For Your Smile

Your oral health is a key part of ​your over all health and wellbeing, ​with links to other illnesses and ​conditions, it is vital that good oral ​health is at the top of our priorities.

Find out more ​about how to ​care for your ​smile in our ​leaflets

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Confidence and mental health

Suffering with oral health problems and ​being unhappy with the appearance of ​your mouth can impact your mental ​health. Likewise, if you have poor oral ​health, you may be more likely to not ​look after your mouth well and be at an ​increased risk for decay.

Your mouth makes up a big part of your ​appearance, if you are not happy with ​the appearance of your mouth, it can ​massively effect your confidence and ​socialisation.

For support with your oral health, talk ​to your dentist.

For support with your mental health, ​contact your GP or mind.

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Food And Drink

Sugary and acidic foods and drinks can ​have a detrimental effect on your oral ​health.

To keep your teeth healthy, aim to keep ​any sugary and acidic food and drinks ​with main meals or immediately after ​them as a pudding and drink plain water ​or milk throughout the day.

Want to know more about how your ​diet can impact your health? Check out ​our nutrition page!

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Disease And Conditions

Your oral health links to many other ​illnesses and conditions including heart ​disease, pneumonia and diabetes.

Keep your mouth healthy to reduce your ​risk factors.

Disease And Conditions

There are many products and adaptions that can be used to make looking after oral health easier.

Follow us on social media for great tips and advice around products!


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(©)Community Dental Services CIC, 2024